MOOE Liquidation Report Checklist

Main Documents:

Disbursement Voucher
Photocopy of Check
Liquidation Report (Appendix 44)
Cash Disbursement Register (Appendix 43)
Narrative Report
Summary of Taxes Withheld from Suppliers/Contractors.
Documentary Attachments:

Goods/Item Purchases:

A. Purchase Request
B. BAC Resolution
C. Proof of PhilGEPS Posting
D. 3 Canvass from Different Suppliers
E. Purchase Order (Appendix 61)
F. Sales Invoice
G. Official Receipt
H. BIR Form 2306
I. BIR Form 2307
J. Inspection and Acceptance Report (Appendix 62)
K. Pre-Evaluation Report for Replacement of Equipment.
L. Waste Materials Report (Appendix 65)
M. Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR – Appendix 71) for Purchase of Equipment.

School Building Repairs/Construction Expenses

A. Pre-Evaluation Report
B. Purchase Request (Appendix 60)
C. BAC Resolution
D. Proof of PhilGEPS Posting
E. 3 Canvass from Different Suppliers
F. Purchase Order (Appendix 61)
G. Sales Invoice
H. Official Receipt
I. BIR Form 2306
J. BIR Form 2307
K. Inspection and Acceptance Report (Appendix 62)
L. Program of Works (If total amount of materials and labor is more than P10,000)
M. Payroll (with DTR of Laborer/Helper)
N. Certificate of Completion
O. Pictures (Before, During and After)

Travelling Expenses:

A. Itinerary of Travel (Appendix 45)
B. Certificate of Travels Completed (Appendix 47)
C. Certificate of Appearance/Participation
D. Memorandum
E. Travel Order

Training Expenses:

A. Registration Fee Receipt
B. Itinerary of Travel (Appendix 45)
Attach If compensation for public transportation is to be reimbursed.
C. Certificate of Travels Completed (Appendix 47)
D. Certificate of Appearance/Participation
E. Memorandum
F. Travel Order

Payment of Services (Janitor/Guard)

A. Daily Time Record
B. Payroll (Appendix 33)
C. Copy of Job Order/Appointment

Payment of Services (Labor)

A. Pre-Evaluation Report
B. Payroll (Appendix 33)
C. Daily Time Record
D. Certificate of Completion
E. Pictures (Before, During and After)

Phone/Internet/Water/Electricity Bills

A. Billing Statement
B. Payment Receipt
C. BIR Form 2306
D. BIR Form 2307

Small Purchases / Transportation Expense without Receipt

A. Reimbursement Expense Receipt (RER – Appendix 46) if the expense is more than P300.
B. Certification of Expenses Not Requiring Receipts (COA Circular No. 2017-001) if the expense does not exceed P300.



The 5E Approach 

The 5E Approach to instruction is an alternate way to design instruction to help maximize student engagement in learning. 

5E stands for engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. 

These are the steps that you and your students will take in order to learn and understand a particular skill. 

Each area of the 5E approach specifies what you and your students should do to access learning, so your lesson plans should be written to reflect that. 

The 5E Lesson Plan A lesson plan using the 5E approach looks quite simple. 

All you need are five sections, one for each of the Es in 5E. 

“Engage” transitions from “I tell them or show them” to helping students reflect on what they already know and ask questions about what they don’t yet understand, which propels them toward an initial feeling of dissatisfaction. 

“Explore” moves away from thoughts such as “I give them,” “I demonstrate,” or “They look at a model” and toward students themselves unpacking the problem, developing a model, and gathering data. 

“Explain” no longer means turning and talking, having a carousel discussion, or asking questions like “What did” and “What was.” Now, it means digging deeply into where the question has been answered or the problem solved, and using evidence to support claims. 

"Elaborate" is less about reading, watching or introducing new ideas, and more about forging the incredibly valuable concept-to-self, concept-to-concept and concept-to-world connections that help tie anchor and investigative phenomena together. 

“Evaluate” cannot simply mean vocabulary assessments or graded journals anymore; now it means reflecting critically on the investigative process, the hypothesis, and the anchor phenomena. 

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WHAT is Tiered Instruction?

What is Tiered Instruction?
Tiered instruction is a method that varies the level of assignments, so all students have a chance to find success and make progress. Teachers tier learning so students are working at different levels of the same task, some more difficult and challenging than others. Source: 

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Learning Style Theory

Just want to share this in our PRIMALS seminar that talks 
about learning style theory and role of teachers and differentiated instruction.