MOOE Downloading Day


During the 33rd National Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation of CY 2018 Mid-Year Financial Reports held in Greenleaf Hotel, General Santos City last July 24, 2018, the Office of the Undersecretary of Budget—Finance and Performance Monitoring (OUFBPM), together with the Budget Division, recognized the top performances in the following categories: Best in Budget Utilization and Best in Use of Budget Monitoring System.

The top regions awarded for Budget Utilization were determined by their respective obligation rate (obligations versus adjusted allotment), as reported in the 2017 DepEd Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements, and Balances (SAAODB). It was a tight race as six (6) regions closed the year at a rate of 99%.

Overall, the regional performance for 2017 closed at 97.85% obligation rate and a disbursement rate of 94.47%, which was computed based on total disbursement versus total obligation.

The top performers in the utilization of the Budget Management System (BMS) were also awarded. Rolled-out in 2012, the BMS was created to help implementing units—especially the financial staff assigned in the preparation of various reports required by oversight agencies, by monitoring balances of allotments by PAPs. The availability of this data makes it easy to analyze, review, and manipulate budget allotments to ensure smooth program implementation.

The top performers were chosen according to the following criteria:
● Accuracy in the recording of authorized appropriations
● Implementation compliance of all operating units
● Availability of integrated data of the entire region
● Use of the Budget Monitoring System

It must be noted that the use of other “budget monitoring systems” were also considered in the conferring of the award, as long as it yielded reports suitable to the aforementioned criteria.

Moreover, the School Division Office (SDO) of Ilocos Norte was also awarded for initiating a best practice called the “MOOE Downloading Day,” wherein the accountants, bookkeepers, and cash division personnel convene to process all the MOOE requirements for the principals for a timely delivery of services. An audio-visual presentation featuring the best practice called was shown during the said event.

Before the closing of the awarding ceremony, USec. Anne Sevilla challenged the finance officers to initiate or implement innovative ways, within the bounds of the law, to fast-track processes and aid in the delivery of services, especially at the school level.

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