Classroom Observation Tool for Proficient Teachers

A classroom observation is the purposeful examination of teaching and/or learning events through the systematic processes of data collection and analysis (Bailey, 2001). 

Both the teacher being observed and the observer having significant roles before, during, and after the observation process.

One of the tools to measure the performance of the teacher and to ensure that they inculcate the standard competencies of the learner should acquire inside the classroom is conducting Classroom Observation Tool (COT) for every quarter. 

The Principal, Head Teacher and Master Teacher will conduct the COT to their teacher announce and they have agreement what indicators that they will going to observe with this the teacher have time for instructional materials needed, what strategies should be used for effective teaching and classroom preparations. 

The teacher will probably get a very satisfactory or even an outstanding performance because she was very prepared before the observation. 

This is so significant for the teacher because they were given a chance to show the best practices in classroom management and they were challenged to be more effective and efficient when it comes in teaching which is the very important role in teaching profession.


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